Presentation : Intelligent Content Conference

By , February 11, 2013 3:22 pm

Last Friday (February 8th), I spoke at the Intelligent Content Conference 2013.  When Scott Abel (aka The Content Wrangler) first contacted me to speak at the event, he asked me to speak about my content management and distribution experiences from both NPR and Netflix.  The two experiences seemed to him to be an interesting blend for the conference. And when I got to the conference, I was absolutely floored by the number of people who had already heard about NPR’s COPE model!

I have to admit, it had been a while since I last thought that much about the NPR days, but doing so brought back a lot of interesting memories.  When more deeply considering those experiences alongside my Netflix experience, I was able to see commonalities in practice, philosophy, execution and results (although at different scales).

At any rate, embedded below are the slides from my presentation.  I spent a good chunk of time commenting each slide as my presentations tend to be very image-heavy, which often results in lost context.  The comments have added that context back in.

Thanks again, Scott, for having me at the conference.  And thanks to all of the attendees with whom I spoke before and after my talk.  The event was a lot of fun!


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